The major advantage of converting an existing area of the home is the cost associated with this project. It is very cost effective to convert an underutilized air conditioned area of the home. There are no other competitive construction cost alternatives as cost effective as converting existing air conditioned space in the home. The cautionary aspect of this kind of conversion is avoiding making the space unattractive to the resale market. For instance, you want to avoid changing a 3 bedroom home into a 2 bedroom home. This can adversely affect your resale value.
As a general rule in remodeling it is less expensive to renovate living area over kitchens or bathrooms. With this in mind when considering modifying your space you consider the existing plumbing requirements to these improvements. With that said, if your homeowners association will allow a garage conversion, you should consider building out the existing attached garage space into an area that the family would need and use. Provided the modification does not involve plumbing or additional new air conditioning equipment, a garage conversion can be the second most cost effective solution to expanding living space.
The traditional way of thinking about remodeling suggest expanding the total square footage of the homes envelope. This may involve considering the option of adding a second story to your home if feasible or adding a second story over a detached garage. These types of options become attractive financial alternatives if there are some very specific restrictive conditions present with your current homestead. Such as your homes lot setback requirements restricting expansion of the footprint and/or the cost of buying a new home is not an option.
We will discuss these and other options with you through our complementary home assessment.