Benefits of Aging in Place
Remodeling Modifications
- Safety Through careful design and use of ADA products, one of the greatest benefits of updating your home for aging disabilities is that it drastically reduces the likelihood of incident that could result in serious injury or worse. The cost to aging modifications to your home are a small premium to pay in comparison to cost of physical injury.
- Financial Savings According to AARP the average cost of assisted living is greater than $42,000 year.
- Increased Home Value through quality workmanship and good design your home can increase in value by the upgrade expenditure amounts spent to update and remodel your home.
- Energy Savings We will bring the modified area of the home up to current building and energy codes
- Reduce Maintenance Cost through carefully planned remodeling you can beautifully update your home and head off future maintenance cost.
- Security Upgrades exterior sensor lighting, interior sensor lighting, surveillance cameras at all exits cued to your television, medical alerts methods, remote emergency devices, touch pad security locks are just some of the methods to increase home security while giving yourself piece of mind.
- Care Giver Lodging One of the great benefits of having your home modified for aging living is that your home already has the space. We can cost effectively convert an existing bedroom into a live in quarters for your care givers according to your wishes.
- Technology uses the internet and the senior’s TV to communicate, and by using wireless sensors to monitor wellness, including motion, body temperature, door position, blood pressure, weight, and other programmed, customized variables. The breakthrough technology allows family and caregivers to connect virtually with seniors by sending pictures, videos, reminders, emails, calendar appointments, messages, news and weather updates, all directly to a private channel on the senior’s TV; creating a user friendly “Communication Station,” smart home sensors strategically placed around the home can assure family members that their loved one is safe and comfortable while enjoying independence at home.
Social & Psychological Benefits
- Maintaining Independence maintaining independence for aging seniors is a very high priority. Living by your rules is an important goal in aging.
- Living Near Family & Friends maintaining close living approximation to seniors friends and family provides a completeness to their life that may not be present to the aging if placed in a senior facility.
- Staying Healthier Illness tends to spread faster when many people live together such as assisted care. Living in place can dramatically reduce the common colds and spreading viruses.
- Seniors Maintaining Routine reduces the stress on seniors. Aging in Place requires fewer changes in one’s life. They are not required to learn new traveling routes, find new grocery stores or pharmacies. They are not required to meet new people, new places and new schedules.